Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Good Tuesday morning to you all!  Today is my day off and tomorrow was suppose to be my day off as well, but my boss finagled the schedule so that I could have Thanksgiving off.  What a nice supervisor I have - especially asking her kinda last minute.  Things have just been crazy as of late as you can tell with my lack of posting.  Last week was a little hectic.  One of our individuals had an incident with an ankle sprain and then while I had one of my days off, the person training me had pulled her back out trying to assist the individual with the sprained ankle into bed one night, so she was out for a few days and I had to run the show.  She came back yesterday, but she was still on light duty.  Now she is back out of work because she is visiting with her husband's parents out of town from now until Monday.  Luckily, I won't have but one of the individuals to work with because the other three are going home for the holiday. 

I really do love my job and I really couldn't have asked for a better one.  I think I'm finally happy with what I'm doing.

Yesterday was a busy day for me.  I had to run up to my job's admin building and hand in my written statement on that individual's injury that I just mentioned above and while I was there, I had one of the staff member's meet me up there and bring me some chicken salad that she had homemade.  I wish I had a picture of it to post here, but it was so good that it didn't even last half a day.  I ordered cranberry and almond chicken salad and bacon ranch chicken salad.  Both were so incredibly delicious that I will definitely be ordering from her again.  From there, I had to go pay my water bill and then get on the phone with a bunch of people for appointments and bill related stuff and then went to work at 4pm.  I can honestly say, I'm glad I have a day off today...

My sleep has been awful these past two nights.  For the past three days, every time I swallow something, my chest gets a sharp pain.  When I go to bed, I get very bad sharp pains in my back to the point where I could just about cry.  For the past two nights I have done absolutely nothing but toss, turn and cringe in severe pain.  I told Jay that I can't take it anymore - I'm making an appointment for the doctor today.

Other than that, I'm ready to stuff my face on Thanksgiving.  Jay's mom and dad doesn't know that I have the holiday off yet and they won't know until I don't leave their house to go to work on Thanksgiving day - I want to surprise them which is something I probably shouldn't  be doing with two people who have a heart attack history.

I'm making the above dessert for Thanksgiving - it's an eclair cake.

I might have a couple of drinks on Thanksgiving and unwind.  I think I deserve it after the crazy 3 weeks I've had.  What all are you guys doing on Thanksgiving? :)


  1. It's good that you have a job you enjoy and enjoy that glass of wine on Thanksgiving and have one (or two for me).

  2. Hey girl - thanks for stopping by my page! :) I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and yes, I will have some wine! Wait...you're not having wine? I'm shocked! :O


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